As a parent or guardian, you know very well the areas of concern you have for your child, but you may not be sure what type of evaluation is needed. At PRISM, our goal is to provide with you with a comprehensive and detailed evaluation, so that you have a complete understanding of your child’s diagnosis and treatment needs.
The tests that are used during a diagnostic evaluation depend upon your specific concerns as well as my own interactions with your child. Most diagnostic evaluations include the following components:
- A diagnostic interview with the parent or caregiver that includes developmental history and current concerns (1-2 hours)
- IQ testing, academic testing, executive functioning, phonological processing, and/or language (3 + hours of direct testing with your child)
- Social/behavioral using the ADOS-2, a play and interview-based assessment (1 hour of direct testing)
- Social, emotional, and behavioral questionnaires completed by parents and caregivers
- Social, emotional, and behavioral questionnaires completed by teachers and other service providers
- Interviews with teachers and other service providers
- School observation (1 hour)
- A comprehensive written report with results; summary; DSM-V diagnoses; recommendations for eligibility for school services (IEP or 504 eligibility); recommendations for parents; and recommendations for services in the community
- A 1-2 hour feedback meeting to review results and recommendations